Just to clarify for anyone who didn't understand this (yes, I know you're all intelligent, reasonable human[ish] beings, but just in case...), you can follow WillTylor's SubscribeStar for free (or just hit the link in the OP), and you can see any of the public posts, which includes the Proof of Life and dev updates. Will also generally posts the PoL updates here. So if you haven't seen anything that says there's been an update, please, with the utmost respect, STOP FUCKING ASKING. WillTylor and strenif are pretty consistent about letting everyone know when there's an update. They're not going to hide it from you.Why even make a post like this? Clearly there's no update to the game, and the most recent text update is literally public and free on SubscribeStar.
If you really want to be up to date with everything, dig into your couch (yeah, the one you haven't cleaned in at least two years), pull out that loose five bucks in change that's fallen out of your pants every time you shuffled them down to your knees and re-watched GoT with the pause button at the ready, wipe off the Cheeto crumbs, and subscribe to the Best Friend tier on SS. You didn't even know that cheese-powdered money existed, so you won't miss it, and you'll not only get the newest game release when it comes out, but NSFW previews in between to slake your thirst for AFV naughtiness. Worst-case, just give up one of your double-whip-no-fat-extra-cummy-venti-pumpkin-spice-macchiatos (that's a thing, right?) per month, and you'll not only get the goodies, but you'll be helping the development of the game. Hell, if enough of us do that, maybe, just maybe, Will could work on AFV full-time, and we'd all get together to have a lovely parade of questionable legality.
Alright, now that I'm sure I've offended at least a few pretty pretty snowflakes out there, I'm off to have my mid-morning beer(s) and pray that some people learn patience and figure out how the interwebs works.
And sincere apologies for any offense caused to the good people of this site. Every time I get a notification that there was an update to this thread, I hope for something meaningful, or at least amusing, but I do get a little frustrated by the constant inanity of update requests when everyone should know by now that we'll be duly informed when something drops.
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